Decay of 0.61-sBa148to levels of odd-oddLa148

The decay of Ba9256148 to levels of odd-odd La9157148 has been studied in experiments where γ-ray singles, time-dependent γ-ray spectra, and γγt coincidence spectra were collected. The Ba148 activity was produced directly by on-line mass separation. The half-life of Ba148 was determined to be 0.61±0.03 s. A level scheme containing 26 levels and 63 γ rays is proposed for La148. Spin and parity for several low-lying levels are assigned on the basis of internal conversion coefficient measurements and β- and γ-ray branching. A half-life of 67±4 ns is measured for the 56-keV level. Several features of the level scheme are discussed and compared to neighboring La isotopes and N=91 isotones.