Polymer-Producing Species of Arthrobacter

Gasdorf, Helen J. (Northern Regional Research Laboratory, Peoria, Ill.), R. G. Benedict, M. C. Cadmus, R. F. Anderson, and R. W. Jackson . Polymer-producing species of Arthrobacter . J. Bacteriol. 90: 147–150.1965.—Two slime-producing microorganisms, designated as NRRL B-1973 and NRRL B-1797, were isolated from a Guatemalan soil sample. Their morphological and physiological characteristics permit their assignment to the genus Arthrobacter . Both cultures produce a large amount of extracellular polysaccharide, the maximal amount being 1.4 g per 3 g of glucose. The carbohydrate constituents of B-1973 polysaccharide are galactose, glucose, and mannuronic acid; those of B-1797 are galactose, glucose, and glucuronic acid. The organisms are morphologically and physiologically alike. The differences between these two cultures and previously described species of Arthrobacter appear sufficient to designate a new species. The name Arthrobacter viscosus sp. n. is proposed.