Frontiers in mammalian cells culture

Summary For the past 60 years, fundamental discoveries in eukaryotic biology using mammalian cell cultures have been significant but modest relative to the enormous potential. Combined with advances in technologies of cell and molecular biology, mammalian cell culture technology is becoming a major, if not essential tool, for fundamental discovery in eukaryotic biology. Reconstruction of the milieu for cells has progressed from simple salt solutions supporting brief survival of tissues outside the body to synthesis of the complete set of structurally defined nutrients, hormones and elements of the extracellular matrix needed to reconstruct complex tissues from cells. The isolation of specific cell types in completely defined environments reveals the true complexity of the mammalian cell and its environment as a dynamic interactive physiological unit. Cell cultures provide the tool for detection and dissection of the mechanism of action of cellular regulators and the genes that determine individual aspects of cell behavior. The technology underpins advances in virology, somatic cell genetics, endocrinology, carcinogenesis, toxicology, pharmacology, hematopoiesis and immunology, and is becoming a major tool in develomental biology, complex tissue physiology and production of unique mammalian cell-derived biologicals in industry.