Withdrawal of support in intracerebral hemorrhage may lead to self-fulfilling prophecies

Background: Withdrawal of support in patients with severe brain injury invariably leads to death. Preconceived notions about futility of care in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) may prompt withdrawal of support, and modeling outcome in patient populations in whom withdrawal of support occurs may lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. Methods: Subjects included consecutive patients with supratentorial ICH. Radiographic characteristics of the hemorrhage, clinical variables, and neurologic outcome were assessed. Attitudes about futility of care were examined among members of the departments of neurology and neurologic surgery through a written survey and case presentations. Results: There were 87 patients with supratentorial ICH; overall mortality was 34.5% (30/87). Mortality was 66.7% (18/27) in patients with Glasgow Coma Score ≤8 and ICH volume >60 cm3. Medical support was withdrawn in 76.7% (23/30) of patients who died. Inclusion of a variable to account for the withdrawal of support in a model predicting outcome negated the predictive value of all other variables. Patients undergoing surgical decompression were unlikely to have support withdrawn, and surgery was less likely to be performed in older patients (p < 0.01) and patients with left hemispheric hemorrhage (p = 0.04). Survey results suggested that practitioners tend to be overly pessimistic in prognosticating outcome based upon data available at the time of presentation. Conclusions: The most important prognostic variable in determining outcome after ICH is the level of medical support provided. Withdrawal of support in patients felt likely to have a “poor outcome” biases predictive models and leads to self-fulfilling prophecies. Our data show that individual patients in traditionally “poor outcome” categories can have a reasonable neurologic outcome when treated aggressively.