SAXS and AE Studies on the Origin of Softening in Poly (methyl Methacrylate) under Uniaxial Tensile Stress

Acoustoelastic properties of poly (methyl methacrylate) under uniaxial tensile stress were investigated by the ultrasonic measurement at 5 MHz. The softening phenomenon in sound velocity along the stress direction and its anisotropic behavior were confirmed in MHz region, as already observed by Brillouin scattering in GHz region. It was clarified that the origin of this phenomenon was attributed to the formation of embryonic states for submicrocracks, based on the results of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies on the developments of size and concentration of submicrocracks under various strains. Furthermore, the events of structural conversions from embryos to submicrocracks were detected by the acoustic emission (AE) measurements.

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