Flow cytometric detection of ribosomal RNA in suspended cells by fluorescent in situ hybridization

A method using flow cytometry and fluorescent in situ hydridization (ISH) to detect RNA in cells is described. L1210 murine leukemia cells were fixed with 1% formaldehyde in HEPES buffered Hank's balanced salt solution (HH) followed by 70% ethanol. Endogenous RNAses were blocked by diethylpyrocarbonate treatment. Single-stranded sense and antisense RNA probes, labeled with biotin-11-UTP, were transcribed from a 2.1 kb 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragment subcloned into the pGEM2 plasmid. For good results, it was essential that the probes were degraded to 100–150 nucleotides before use. Hybridization was performed at 45°C in 50% formamide, 5 × SSC, 0.5% SDS. Hybrids were detected with streptavidin-FITC by flow cytometry. Antisense rRNA probe signal was 100 times higher than the background. The hybrids were largely resistant to RNAse and melted at high temperature. The sense probe also gave a signal (5 times background), which was not RNAse resistant and was attributed to the presence of internal inverted repeats in the ribosomal RNA. When sufficient background reduction can be achieved, it is expected that as few as ten mRNA molecules per cell can be detected with the fluorescent in situ hybridization method.