Environmental Factors Associated with Porcine Adrenal Size and Muscle Characteristics

Color, firmness and pH of the gluteus medius muscles from 289 hogs raised under contrasting environmental conditions were studied. No significant differences in the means of these characteristics were found with respect to the four housing systems employed. Each of the three characteristics was correlated (P<.01) with the others. Forty of these hogs were selected for studies on adrenal gland weight and panel tenderness of the longissimus dorsi muscle. A positive correlation (P<.05) was found among swine reared in the open house, while negative correlations (P<.05) were found among those raised in two of the three enclosed houses. Differences in means of tenderness and adrenal weight among the four houses were not significant. Copyright © 1965. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1965 by American Society of Animal Science