The Geology of Part of North-Western Rhodesia

I. I ntroduction . The literature with special reference to Northern Rhodesia is not abundant. A. J. C. Molyneux made several visits to the country, but, although he must have collected a good deal of general information, he published only the results of his work on the distribution of the Karroo System in Northern Rhodesia (15). His work was confined to the stretch of country bounded on the north by the Kafue and Zambezi Rivers, on the west by the railway-line, and on the south and east by the boundary of Southern Rhodesia. The outstanding piece of work was that of F. E. Studt (22). I suppose that only one who knew the country at about the same time as that during which Studt's mapping was done, can really appreciate the immensity of the task which he set himself. He certainly had Cornet's and others' investigations to aid him in his preliminary work in the Congo, but none for Northern Rhodesia. Unfortunately for me, Studt's paper did not fall into my hands for several years after my interest in the geology of Northern Rhodesia had been quickened; neither did I have access to the publications relative to the Belgian Congo. So, for a long time, I traversed a road already surveyed. The greater part of the work was done in my own time during snatched shooting expeditions. In 1925 a year's field work was begun for the Rhodesia Minerals Concession Limited, and a good deal of the topography shown east of the