In the compound eye of the locust, Locusta, the cross-sectional area of the rhabdoms increases at “dusk” by 4.7-fold due to the rapid assembly of new microvillar membrane, and decreases at “dawn” by a corresponding amount as a result of pinocytotic shedding from the microvilli. The rhabdoms at night have more and longer photoreceptor microvilli than rhabdoms during the day. The orientations of the six rhabdomeres that comprise the distal rhabdom also change. The density of intramembrane particles on the P-face of the microvillar membrane, putatively representing mostly rhodopsin molecules, or aggregates thereof, does not change. An alteration in the size of the ommatidial field-stop, produced by the primary pigment cells, is concomitant with the change in rhabdom size. At night the increase in size of the field-stop must widen the angular acceptance of a rhabdom, increasing the capture of photons from an extended field. Conversely, during the day, when photons are more abundant, its decrease must narrow the acceptance angle, increasing angular resolution. Because of the presence of this field-stop, the optics of the ommatidium would not be greatly affected if the rhabdom were to remain always at its night size. It is argued, therefore, that the variable-size rhabdom must have resulted from some demand other than that of light/dark adaptation. Changes in size and organisation of the rhabdoms in response to various light regimes indicate that: (1) Rapid shedding of photoreceptor membrane is induced by the onset of light, but shedding also occurs slowly in darkness during the day. (2) Microvillar assembly is initiated by the onset of darkness, but also occurs at the normal time of dusk without a change in ambient lighting, provided there has been some light during the day. Therefore, both shedding and assembly of microvillar membrane are affected by the state of illumination, but also appear to be under some endogenous control.