Fluorescence enhancement of Er3+-doped sol–gel glass by aluminum codoping

Erbium-doped silica glasses prepared by the sol–gel process are desirable for applications in high-power lasers and integrated optical devices. However, its fluorescence could be quenched due to the high hydroxyl (OH) content. Although this OH content can be greatly reduced through special gas treatment [Y. Zhou, S. S. Wang, H. L. Liu, Y. L. Lam, Y. C. Chan, and C. H. Kam, EEE J. 8, 109 (1996).], the fluorescence is still considered weak for practical applications. We have used sol–gel aluminum codoping to increase the solubility of the Er3+ ions in a silica glass host and, consequently, significantly enhanced the fluorescence intensity of Er3+ -doped sol–gel glass to the extent suitable for practical usage.