An Acetocarmine Technic forCucurbita

Staminate Cucurbita buds undergoing meiosis are fixed for 12-24 hours in a solution containing 3 parts of 95% alcohol, 1 part of acetocarmine to which icon acetate has been added, and a flake of rusted iron. After fixation the buds are washed in 95% alcohol and stored in 95% alcohol with the iron flake for 5-10 days. A stain containing 10 drops of 45% acetic acid, 10 drops of acetocarmine, and 10 drops of brown storage solution is prepared. A small piece of anther is placed in a drop of stain on a slide. At the moment the anther is macerated, the debris is removed, and when the cells turn grey to dark brown a cover slip is applied. The stain is differentiated by gentle heat and the cover slip is sealed with paraffin.