T he more we know of the Glacial period the more evident it becomes that it embraces a long and complicated series of changes which will require much patient study to understandl and some districts are found valuable as presenting clear evidence of certain events which cannot be discovered from the appearances we find in other quarters. The Aberdeenshire coast is one of those districts. On the eastern side of that county we find a well-marked bed of red clay, which covers much of the low ground along the coast between Aberdeen and Peterhead, and extends some distance to the north of the latter town (see Map, fig.1). It ranges from the sea-level up to an altitude of 300 feet, but is scarecely seen at heights beyond that, althought there are here and there some indications of it at a higher level. It stretches inland along the course of the various streamlets which come down to the coast, and appears to have subsided most thickly in the depressions patches of it are found of great thickness and purity. A depth of twenty or thirty feet may occur in which few stones or pebbles of any kind are to be seen. These masses, however are usually of very limited extent; and commonly the clay is much thinner and coarser, with some pebbles and occasionally large boulders interpersed through it, while sometimes it is so coarse as to assume the character of a Boulder-clay.