Neutrino oscillations at an entry-level neutrino factory and beyond

We consider the parameters of an entry-level neutrino factory designed to make the first observation of νeνμ oscillations, measure the corresponding amplitude sin22θ13, and determine the sign of the atmospheric-scale δm322 via matter effects. A 50 kt detector, a stored muon energy Eμ>~20GeV and 1019 muon decays would enable these goals to be met provided sin22θ13>0.01. The determination of the sign of δm322 also requires a baseline L>~2000km. An upgraded neutrino factory with O(1020) decays would enable the first observation of νeντ oscillations. With O(1021) decays the effects of a large CP phase could be measured in the case of the large angle matter oscillation solution to the solar neutrino anomaly. Our analysis includes a family of three-neutrino models that can account for the atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillation indications.