Algorithms for Skin Permeability Using Hydrogen Bond Descriptors: the Problem of Steroids

Several algorithms that use hydrogen bond descriptors have been published for the permeation of compounds from aqueous solution through human stratum corneum. In the present work, all the skin permeability coefficients, Kp in cm s, used in these algorithms for non‐steroids have been correlated through the Abraham equation to give a new algorithm: where n is the number of solutes, r is the correlation coefficient, s.d. is the standard deviation, and F is the F‐statistic. The solute descriptors are: R2 an excess molar refraction, the dipolarity/polarizability, the overall or effective hydrogen‐bond acidity and basicity, and VX the McGowan characteristic volume. Equation 1 is a reasonably good predictor of log Kp values for steroids as given by Johnson et al., but not for those given by Scheuplein.