1. The decay curve of the light produced in the course of the luminescent reaction in Cypridina is, after the first second, in complete agreement with the theoretical expectation for a monomolecular reaction, if light intensity at any instant is assumed to be proportional to reaction velocity at that instant. It is shown that for such a reaction log I = - kt + log Ak and that the experimental values satisfy this equation. 2. The first second or two of the reaction is characterized by a brilliant initial flash, whose value is much too high to accord with the succeeding intensities and with the above formula. It is suggested that this initial high reaction velocity is an indication of a heterogeneous system. 3. Identical solutions run simultaneously give decay curves which check within the limits of the photographic error. 4. Stirring does not affect the reaction velocity or the form of the decay curve. 5. Reaction velocity is proportional to enzyme concentration, over the range of concentrations used in the study. 6. Changes in the concentration of the substrate do not affect the value of k, when all other factors are held constant. A diminution of luciferin concentration results only in a decrease in the value of the y-intercept, Log Ak, the two straight line plottings for two different concentrations being parallel. 7. The temperature coefficient is high, being about 4.5 for the 15-25 degrees interval, and 3.0 for the 25-35 degrees interval.