Recurrent hemorrhage after initially complete occlusion of intracranial aneurysms

Recurrent hemorrhage in the case of incompletely treated aneurysms is well known. The authors present a series of patients in whom rebleeding occurred in spite of totally occluded aneurysms. During a period of 12 years, 1170 patients with intracranial aneurysms were treated using either clipping (n=727) or coiling (n=443). In 11 of them, intracranial rebleeding occurred, in seven of whom routine post-treatment angiography revealed total aneurysm occlusion before the appearance of rehemorrhage. Further analysis focused on these seven patients. Their recurrent aneurysm ruptures happened with a mean latency of 9.5 months (range 21 h-48 months) from initial treatment. All aneurysms belonged to the anterior circulation. Three patients underwent primary clipping, and four experienced coiling first. The intracranial hemorrhages appeared mainly as intracerebral hematomas. The angiographically documented recurrent aneurysm configurations were caused by clip slippage (n=2), coil compaction (n=3), or coil migration/dislocation (n=1). In one case with primary surgery, clip slippage was possible but not confirmed by intraoperative view, because the patient died before therapeutic intervention. Two patients did not undergo therapy because of their poor clinical condition and died. Four of the remaining patients underwent clipping of the recurrent lesions, and one had recoiling. Final outcome was excellent/good in only two patients. The mainly poor outcome after rebleeding was caused by the high incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage.