Pulmonary gas exchange in humans during exercise at sea level

Previous studies have shown both worsening ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) relationships and the development of diffusion limitation during exercise at simulated altitude and suggested that similar changes could occur even at sea level. We used the multiple-inert gas-elimination technique to further study gas exchange during exercise in healthy subjects at sea level. Mixed expired and arterial respiratory and inert gas tensions, cardiac output, heart rate, minute ventilation, respiratory rate, and blood temperature were recorded at rest and during steady-state exercise in the following order: rest, minimal exercise (75 W), heavy exercise (300 W), heavy exercise breathing 100% O2, repeat rest, moderate exercise (225 W), and light exercise (150 W). Alveolar-to-arterial O2 tension difference increased linearly with O2 uptake (VO2) (6.1 Torr X min-1 X 1(-1) VO2). This could be fully explained by measured VA/Q inequality at mean VO2 less than 2.5 l X min-1. At higher VO2, the increase in alveolar-to-arterial O2 tension difference could not be explained by VA/Q inequality alone, suggesting the development of diffusion limitation. VA/Q inequality increased significantly during exercise (mean log SD of perfusion increased from 0.28 +/- 0.13 at rest to 0.58 +/- 0.30 at VO2 = 4.0 l X min-1, P less than 0.01). This increase was not reversed by 100% O2 breathing and appeared to persist at least transiently following exercise. These results confirm and extend the earlier suggestions (8, 21) of increasing VA/Q inequality and O2 diffusion limitation during heavy exercise at sea level in normal subjects and demonstrate that these changes are independent of the order of performance of exercise.