Recurrent bleeding is a major, largely fatal, complication occurring primarily during the first two weeks after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Among patients who were initially in good condition, rebleeding is the leading cause of death after SAH.1The prognosis of an alert patient who has a second hemorrhage declines to that of a patient who is comatose after a single SAH.2Approximately two thirds of the patients who have rebleeding die. Rebleeding occurs within two weeks of SAH in 20% of patients.3It peaks during the first 24 hours of SAH, when it reaches 8% to 10%.4In the next ten days, this complication occurs at a daily rate of approximately 2%.3For the remainder of the first month after SAH, recurrent hemorrhage occurs at a rate of 0.5% per day.3 There is no specific treatment to reverse the effects of rebleeding; prevention