Insights into anaphase promoting complex TPR subdomain assembly from a CDC26–APC6 structure

The anaphase promoting complex (APC) is a key cell-cycle regulator that has ubiquitin-ligase activity. The first structure of a complex formed between APC subunits, that of CDC26 and APC6, provides detailed structural information of APC components and suggests how CDC26 may stabilize APC6 and other complex subunits. The multisubunit anaphase promoting complex (APC) is an essential cell-cycle regulator. Although CDC26 is known to have a role in APC assembly, its molecular function has remained unclear. Biophysical, structural and genetic studies presented here reveal that CDC26 stabilizes the structure of APC6, a core TPR protein required for APC integrity. Notably, CDC26–APC6 association involves an intermolecular TPR mimic composed of one helix from each protein.