Factor Analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery II: Visual, Receptive, Expressive and Reading Scales

In recent years, Golden and his associates have devised and presented a standardized version of Luria's neuropsychological examination. One of the main advantages of this battery over Luria's more qualitative approach is the possibility of examining a number of the theoretical statements made by Luria concerning the relationship of basic psychological skills which make up the tests in each of ten major areas of neuropsychological function. The present paper is the second in a series attempting to examine some of the interrelationships among items on the standardized battery and compare these to Luria's theoretical structures. To do this, the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery was administered to a mixed neurological, psychiatric and normal population of 272 individuals. From the results of these tests, principle axis factor analyses (with communalities on the diagonal) were done on four scales (Visual, Expressive, Receptive, Reading) and obliquely rotated to the simplest solution. The resulting factors were found generally to conform to the factors predicted by Luria's theory. The interpretation of each factor found is discussed, as well as its implication.