Microsatellite polymorphisms reveal phylogenetic relationships in primates

We amplified, via PCR, DNA segments from intron 1 of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene (TH01) and intron 40 of the von Willebrand factor gene (VWA) in ten nonhuman primate genera. In humans both introns contain polymorphic microsatellites with tetrameric repeats. Compared to the allelic ranges in human populations relatively short repeat arrays could be detected for the nonhuman primates typed, presumably reflecting an ancient precursor state at both microsatellite loci. Furthermore, our results provide evidence for an association of the average number of repeats present in different primate genera and their divergence time from man. DNA sequencing of VWA orthologues revealed a relatively high variability in the arrangement of repeats in the 5′-repeat arrays, the generation of which could probably be explained by polar mutational events.