Sensory Deprivation and Hallucinations

At this point in our studies of sensory deprivation we can only conclude that we have yet to ascertain the maximum conditions for the generation of hallucinations. In all of the attempts we have made so far we have failed to obtain the frequency of reported visual hallucinations found in the investigations of others. We subjected 55 subjects to various degrees of sensory deprivation and found that only ten of them experienced visual hallucinations. These predominantly negative findings nevertheless lead to some positive statements about sensory deprivation and hallucinations. For example, it appears that absolutely maximum conditions of sensory deprivation do not elicit hallucinations. It also appears that neither continuous homogeneous nor momentary amorphous visual stimuli during sensory deprivation lead to hallucinations. However, because some hallucinations were reported in our studies, we may not assume that hallucinogenic factors were completely lacking. Our continuing program of research on sensory deprivation includes attempts to isolate these critical factors.

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