The Adaptation of a Standard Curve to the Turbidometric Method of Assay of Hyaluronidase in Bull Semen

In using the turbidometric assay for hyaluronidase, considerable flexibility in the calculation of hyaluronidase potency in semen is achieved by reference to a standard prepn. of hyaluronidase. The coeff. of correlation between mg. of standard hyaluronidase and colorimeter meter reading was -0.985 [plus or minus] 0.006. Hyaluronidase assay values of semen in terms of mg. of standard hyaluronidase, obtained by diluting semen at various rates, conformed to the standard regression line of purified hyaluronidase. A coeff. of correlation of +0.954 [plus or minus] 0.008 was obtained between turbidity reducing units and mg. of standard hyaluronidase equivalent for 117 semen samples, indicating the essential sameness of the 2 measures of hyaluronidase potency. The results indicate the validity of expressing semen hyaluronidase potencies in terms of mg. of a standard hyaluronidase preparation.