A recently described protocol for thein vitro production of ascomata was employed to determine the sexual incompatibility systems of five species ofCapronia. The formation of mature ascomata in isolates derived from single ascospores demonstrated thatC. epimyces, C. mansonii, andC. munkii n. sp. are homothallic. In contrast, fertile ascomata were observed only in mass-ascospore isolates and pairwise crosses between specific single-ascospore isolates inC. dactylotricha n. sp. andC. moravica. TheExophiala anamorphs ofC. dactylotricha andC. munkii are described and aPhialophora-like synanamorph is reported for the former species. Germinating ascospores ofC. munkii formed conidiogenous cells directly, while the ascospores of the remaining species germinated to produce germ tubes and hyphae. The application of the terms ‘microcyclic conidiation’ to secondary conidium production and ‘sclerotial body’ and ‘stroma’ to the multicellular structures produced by species ofCapronia andExophiala are discussed.