Physical Work Capacity in Men and Women Aged 18 to 65

A probability sample ( n = 1 050) of the population of a region in central Sweden performed a submaximal excercise Jest on bicycle ergometers. The participants were men and women aged 18 to 65 taking part in the REBUS study 1969–71 (4). In multivariate analyses, heart rate at the rate of work 100 W and 50 W was found to correlate significantly with sex, body weight and stature, blood pressure at rest, physical training in leisure time, and physical strain at work. No significant partial correlation was found between heart rate at work and alcohol consumption. Smoking was found to correlate significantly with heart rate at the rate of work 50 W. A high heart rate at a given rate of work indicates a low working capacity. However, in contrast to other studies, heart rate was found to decrease with age at submaximal work loads. Both the estimated maximal aerobic power of the population studied and the estimated work load at heart rate 170, W170, were found to be rather low compared with findings in other studies in Scandinavia. Concerning the maximal aerobic power of men, our results were closely compatible with results given by Chiang et al. (5) from 1064 men in the Tecumseh investigation in the USA. A linear function with heart rate at work on the Y-axis and rate of work on the X-axis was estimated for each subject. It was found that the mean intercept of these functions grew smaller with age and that women had a steeper slope than men. Subjects of the same sex had approximately the same slope, irrespective of age. It must be an implication of this finding concerning the relation between age and heart rate at work that in research work the use of W170 as an indicator of physical work capacity will introduce a systematic deviation when comparing older subjects with younger ones. An overestimation of the capacity of the older subjects will result.