Some Immunochemical Properties of Dextransucrase and Invertase from Streptococcus mutans

Dextransucrase and invertase of some strains of Streptococcus mutans were examined by immunodiffusion with antisera against enzymes purified from strain HS-6 (Bratthall's serotype a). Both antisera cross-reacted with crude enzyme preparations from the other serotype a (strains HS-1 and AHT) and d organisms (strains KIR, OMZ176, and OMZ65) but not with those from serotype b (strains FA-1 and BHT) or c organisms (strains GS-5, Ingbritt, and NCTC 10449). Based upon the antiserum used, the orders of antigenic similarity of the cross-reacting enzymes to the HS-6 enzymes were HS-6 > HS-1 > AHT = KIR = OMZ176 = OMZ65 for dextransucrase and HS-6 = HS-1 > AHT = KIR = OMZ176 = OMZ65 for invertase. It was found that the enzymes from serotype a organisms were not always antigenically homogeneous, as seen between strains HS-6, HS-1, or AHT for dextransucrase, and between the HS group and strain AHT for invertase. Antiserum against the HS-6 dextransucrase markedly inhibited the heterologous dextransucrases of serotype a organisms with the exception of strain HS-1 and d organisms, with or without the addition of dextran.