The mechanism of the effect of an RNA polymerase II (RNA nucleotidyltransferase II) stimulation factor isolated from the nuclei of chicken myeloblastosis cells was studied. The stimulation requires the presence of all four nucleoside triphosphates and depends upon an exogenous DNA template. In the absence of the factor, RNA synthesis ceases after 20-30 min, but in the presence of the factor, synthesis continues up to 60-80 min. Addition of the factor at 35 min after incubation causes resumption of RNA synthesis. The factor greatly stimulates the activity of RNA polymerase II at low enzyme concentrations. The RNA polymerase activity is more sensitive to alpha-amanitin inhibition when the factor is present. Experiments of [gamma-32P]ATP incorporation reveal that the factor provides for an increased frequency of initiation of RNA chains, both of the primary initiation events and re-initiation after previous ones were completed. A slightly higher rate of RNA chain growth was also observed with this factor but the ultimate size of RNA synthesized was not affected, as determined by formaldehyde/sucrose gradient centrifugation. These data suggest that the factor functions at the initiation stages of the RNA polymerase reaction.

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