Preparation, characterisation, and europium-151 Mössbauer spectra of some carbides, nitrides, nitride-carbides, cyanides, and thiocyanates of europium

The reaction of europium metal with HCN and (CN)2 at elevated temperatures has been shown to yield Eu2C3, EuC2, and compounds of the type EuNxCy. X-Ray parameters for these phases are reported and they are shown by 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy to be band systems. EuN is shown to be ionic and to contain Eu3+ ions. The reactions in liquid NH3 of europium with HCN, C2H2, and NH4SCN have been shown to produce europium(II) and europium(III) cyanide, europium(III) acetylide, and europium(III) thiocyanate respectively. The width of the 151Eu Mössbauer resonance is discussed in relation to possible bonding situations and the relationship between chemical isomer shift and bond ionicity is considered.