Plasma Membrane Potential of the Alga Dunaliella, and Its Relation to Osmoregulation

A fluorescent dye sensitive to membrane potential was used to follow the plasma-membrane potential in the unicellular halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina. The signal observed during dissipation of the plasma membrane potential by the addition of excess K+ and valinomycin, or a protonophore, was taken as a measure of the preexisting potential. A resting potential of -85 to -100 millivolts (negative inside) was calculated. Following a hypertonic shock, the plasma membrane was rapidly hyperpolarized. This hyperpolarization was transient, and the algae resumed their resting potential about 30 minutes after the shock. The resting plasma membrane potential was decreased by vanadate and is concluded to be generated mostly by the plasma membrane ATPase of Dunaliella. The transient hyperpolarization following a hypertonic shock indicates, therefore, a transient activation of the ATPase. This is further corroborated by a rapid transient decrease in the intracellular ATP following a hypertonic shock and its inhibition by vanadate. It is suggested that activation of the plasma membrane. ATPase may be the trigger for osmoregulation in Dunaliella.