Tolerance, growth and development of H. contubernalis and H. pellucidula were analyzed at different O2-concentrations to determine the species specific potency amplitude in relation to O2-concentration. In addition netbouilding behaviour was compared at different O2-concentrations and current velocities. Under anaerobic conditions slightly greater tolerance was observed in H. contubernalis than in H. pellucidula. But at a higher O2-concentration H. contubernalis showed a distinctly higher O2-deficiency tolerance than H. pellucidula in relation to net-building activity, growth and development. In addition, more than 50% of H. contubernalis instars built capture nets with regular meshes at an O2-saturation of only 30% (15°C). High growth rates were also found at 50% O2-saturation and more than half the larvae developed into imagos. In addition to diminished net-spinning activity the mean growth rate started to decrease at an O2-saturation of 70% to 38% and the development into an imago was not possible in H. pellucidula. Because H. contubernalis corresponds to a regulative type, being able to maintain a high level of netbuilding activity, growth rate and development over a wide range (50% to 100% O2-saturation). On the other hand H. pellucidula corresponds to a conform type, because physiological efficiency decreases rapidly with falling O2-concentration, so that development into an imago is no longer possible below 85% O2-saturation. Positive correlation between net-spinning activity and tested current velocity between 10 cm/s and 25 cm/s (15°C) was found in H. pellucidula. H. contubernalis showed no change in net-building activity, over this range of current velocity. H. contubernalis can be classified as an euryoecious species with a great potency amplitude in relation to O2-concentration and current velocity. The high tolerance to O2-deficiency conditions probably allowed the early recolonization of the Mittel-and Niederrhein when a distinct O2-deficit (mean 29%, max 56%) could still be measured. H. contubernalis can be considered a bioindicator of O2-deficiency situations. Undisturbed development of H. pellucidula in this section of the river requires a further improvement in O2-content.