Influence of some inflammatory or antiinflammatory substances on skin biopsies investigated with microcalorimetry and respiratory techniques

Summary Thermal effects were achieved from skin biopsies (epidermis, corium, subcutis) measured by batch-microcalorimetry, after exposure to potent inflammatory or antiinflammatory substances (compound 48/80, histamine, serotonine and hydrocortisone phosphate). Exothermic effects were achieved from 48/80, histamine and hydrocortisone phosphate, when exposed to the skin and lasting for varying time. From serotonine initial endothermic signals were achieved but after about 50 min there was stabilizing of the thermal reaction at the baseline. To analyze the nature of these non-specific thermal effects, determinations of O2 consumption and CO2 production were performed, using Warburg technique on exactly matched tissue pieces exposed to the same substances and run parallely with the microcalorimetrical determinations. An increased respiration, probably as an indicator of increased metabolism, was registrated for all test substances acting on the skin. It is felt, that the thermal effects reflect an increased metabolism of the tissue exposed to the test substances.