Structure of the avian kidney

The kidneys from 6 domestic fowl were fixed in situ by perfusion from the left ventricle. In the bird there are two types of nephrons. One reptiliantype without Henle's loop and medullary tissue, and one mammalian‐type with Henle's loop lying in medullary tissue. Serial sections from kidney tissue embedded in plexiglass or in paraffin were used to study the architecture of eight reconstructed reptilian‐type nephrons from different cortical levels. All reconstructed nephrons had four major bends, but particularly in the subcapsular nephrons additional bends parallel to the kidney surface were found. There was no loop of Henle, but before entering the collecting duct the distal tubule usually had a very thin‐walled segment. No proximal convoluted part was found in the reptilian‐type nephrons. The length of the tubules varied between 3,000 μm and 6,000 μm. In the distal tubule a macula densa segment was found in all nephrons of the reptilian and mammalian type. The capillary network between the inter‐ and intralobular veins was composed of increasingly larger capillaries towards the intralobular vein. Segments of the distal tubule were indented into these capillaries and completely surrounded by them. In the nephrons of the mammalian type the proximal tubule was found to be convoluted as is usual for mammalian species.