Three Aphidius spp. parasitoids of the lucerne aphids, pea aphid (P A) and blue green aphid (BGA), were introduced into New Zealand from 1977 to 1982. A. eadyi spread rapidly and now occurs in all the main lucerne-growing areas. In comparison, A. ervi was difficult to establish, failing to persist after several initial recoveries, but was eventually established from releases of se:parate strains in the North and South Islands, replacing A. eadyi as the predominant parasitoid in the North Island. Despite large releases, A. smithi has not established. A. ervi shows a preference in the field for BGA, but in the laboratory it demonstrated the ability to adapt from PA to BGA in two generations. Laboratory experiments showed that A. eadyi has a higher fecundity and faster development rate than A. ervi indicating that it competes better for PA. However, the polyphagy of A. ervi may be significant in its increasing predominance in the field. Comparisons are drawn with North American results.

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