Derivatives of ricinelaidic acid. Their infrared spectra and conformation of the ricinelaidic moiety

Summary: The infrared spectra and absorptivities in the 10.3 micron region have been determined for a series of compounds in which the functional groups of ricinelaidic acid were varied systematically. The compounds investigated included ricinelaidic acid, 12‐ketoelaidic acid, ricinelaidyl alcohol, and their respective methyl esters and acetates. The influence of the internal substitutents on the fundamental absorption pattern of ricinelaidic acid was determined. Observed decreases in molecular absorptivities and shifts in position of maximum absorption are related to the electron‐with‐drawing character of relevant substituents and to hydrogen bonding in thebeta‐hydroxy‐ene system. The comormation of this system is discussed.