Characterization of virus infected cell cultures by pyrolysis/direct chemical ionization mass spectrometry

The supernatants of Vero cell cultures after infection with a herpes simplex virus or a poliomyelitis virus as well as a blank were analysed by pyrolysis/direct chemical ionization mass spectrometry (Py/DCI MS). Informative pyrogrammes were obtained and used for characterization of viral proteins by applying pattern recognition methods. Differentiation of viral proteins was evaluated by analysing ‘blind’ samples. Herpes viruses could be classified correctly but the observed differences between the blank and the polio virus supernatants were too small for reliable classification of the polio viruses. Purification of the samples seems to be a prerequisite for further studies. The potential value of Py/DCI MS as a rapid non-invasive diagnostic method for viral meningoencephalitis is stressed.