Polymer Compatibilization Through Hydrogen Bonding

Partially modified polystyrene containing vinyl phenyl hexafluorodimethyl carbinol was mixed with a number of counterpolymers containing poly(vinyl-acetate), poly(methyl methacry1 ate), poly(ethy] methacrylate, poly (n-butyl methacry late), poly(viny] methyl ether), poly(2,6 dimethyl-1,4 phenylene oxide), bisphenol A polycarbonate poly(styrene-co-acryloni-trile), poly (dimethyl siloxane), a crystallizable polyester, an amorphous polyamide and two amorphous polyamides. Hydrogen bonding interactions to effect miscibility were related to the number of proton donating groups in the modified polystyrene, and these were studied in regard to lower critical solution temperatures and the glass transition temperatures of the hydrogen bonded blends.