The superconducting critical field and fluctuation conductivity in quench-condensed Ti1-xVxthin films

Measurement and analysis of the critical field and superconducting fluctuation conductivity of quench-condensed (amorphous) Ti-V alloy systems are reported. The critical field curves agree very well with WHHM theory fitted with the parameters alpha , lambda SO. Values of the density of states obtained from the Pauli paramagnetic parameter show that it increases as Ti composition increases. The spin-orbit scattering time obtained from lambda SO is also discussed. In zero field, including the Maki Thompson contribution, the superconducting fluctuation is shown to be essential for obtaining agreement between theory and experiment. Knowledge of the inelastic scattering time is obtained through pair-breaking parameters. The theoretical prediction that the Maki-Thompson term is relatively more important in a magnetic field agrees with measurement.