On-Line Spectroscopy ofI134m,g

Sources of mass-134 iodine have been produced in U235 fission and studied on line in the Buenos Aires Isotope Separator On Line project using Ge(Li) and Si(Li) detectors. A transition of 272.2 ± 0.3 keV, with T12=3.56±0.08 min, αK=0.20±0.03, and KL+=2.6±0.3, thus E3(+1%M4) in character, was determined to be the transition depopulating the isomeric state in I134(ELEK=28.4±0.2 keV and K binding energy=32.9±0.6 keV). The β branching from this isomeric state to levels of Xe134 amounts to (8 ± 6)%. γ-ray intensities following the ground-state decay of I134(T12=53.2±0.2 min) are given. Internal-conversion coefficients for 11 transitions have been measured (104αK): 135 keV, 2600±500; 188 keV, 1300±500; 236 keV, 700±100; 406 keV, 110±20; 433 keV, 150±30; 541 keV, 60±8; 596 keV, 70±8; 622 keV, 52±8; 628 keV, 25±19; 847 keV, 18±3; and 884 keV, 19±4. Parities and angular momenta for levels of Xe134 are proposed.