The genusAndreaeain Britain and Ireland

A revision of the genus Andreaea in the British Isles includes eleven species, three subspecies, and two varieties: A. nivalis Hook., A. blyttii Schimp. (new to region), A. crassinervia Bruch (of questionable occurrence), A. frigida Hueb., A. rothii Web. and Mohr ssp. rothii, A. rothii ssp. falcata (Schimp.) Lindb. (=A. huntii Limpr.), A. megistospora B. Murr. ssp. megistospora, A. alpina Hedw., A. sinusoa B. Murr., A. mutabilis Hook. f. and Wils. (new to Northern Hemisphere), A. rupestris Hedw. var. rupestris, A. rupestris var. papillosa (Lindb.) Podp., and A. alpestris (Thed.) Schimp. Material from the British Isles previously identified as A. crassinervia and much of the material previously identified as A. rothii ssp. rothii is redetermined as A. rothii ssp. falcata.