Effects of ovariectomy, castration, and chronic lithium chloride treatment on stereotyped behavior in rats

The effects of ovariectomy, castration, and chronic lithium chloride treatment on stereotyped behavior (SB) induced by apomorphine (APO) (0.3–0.6 mg/kg) were investigated in rats. Duration of stereotyped behavior (interval between APO injection and termination of SB) increased in ovariectomized rats compared to female control rats. Castration had no effect on the duration of stereotyped behavior. On the other hand, ovariectomized rats that were treated chronically with LiCl (2 mEq/kg daily) showed no difference in duration of stereotyped behavior compared to female controls chronically treated with LiCl. Neither treatment group showed a significantly altered intensity of stereotyped behavior compared with the appropriate control. These findings are consisten with the hypothesis that estrogen deficit contributes to a greater incidence of neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia in postmenopausal women than in men of comparable age. Furthermore, LiCl may attenuate the symptoms associated with increased postsynaptic dopamine receptor sensitivity following ovariectomy.