Intermediate between the lower protozoa, with their normal nuclear apparatus, and the ciliata in which macronucleus (vegetative or nutritional in function) and micronucleus are differentiated, are the Opalinidae. In the more primitive of the 2 subfamilies in the Opalinidae, 2 nuclei exist side by side, are alike and both possess chromatin bodies of 2 sorts: (1) granular, arranged in slender chromosomes like strings of beads; evidently homologous with those in the micro-nucleus; and (2) chromatin arranged in broad, ribbon-like bands; these chromosomes divide amitotically and their substance is extruded into the cytoplasm before syngamy. In mode of fission the family is likewise intermediate between protociliates and euciliates. In other characters also,[long dash]host-parasite relations, etc., the family is intermediate in position, and hence deserves careful study.

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