Results of Penetrating Keratoplasty for the Treatment of Corneal Perforations

• We retrospectively analyzed 46 consecutive cases of penetrating keratoplasty performed as part of the treatment of corneal perforations; the minimum follow-up time after keratoplasty was 7 months. Predisposing conditions leading to perforation were an infectious keratitis in 26 eyes (57%), trauma in 14 eyes (30%), and corneal melt associated with ocular surface disorder in 6 eyes (13%). The success of penetrating keratoplasty in the treatment of corneal perforation depended on the timing of surgery and the cause of the perforation. If the perforation was traumatic in origin, delaying surgery for at least 3 months significantly improved the chances for graft success. Eighty percent of the penetrating keratoplasties delayed 3 months following primary repair of corneal laceration remained clear, and 50% of these patients had a visual acuity of 20/60 or better. If penetrating keratoplasties were performed for an infectious corneal perforation, grafts had a better chance to remain clear if surgery could be delayed. All grafts performed for corneal perforation associated with melting and ocular surface abnormalities failed.

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