The Potential Role of Postoperative Hepatic Artery Chemotherapy in Patients with High-risk Hepatomas

The relationship between operative findings of hepatoma and the postoperative prognosis was studied to clarify indications for adjuvant hepatic arterial chemotherapy after hepatectomy. The results of adjuvant hepatic arterial chemotherapy using 0.4 mg/kg of doxorubicin and 0.12 mg/kg of mitomycin C and infusion of 5-fluorouracil were reported. One hundred sixty patients who had undergone hepatectomy for hepatoma were studied. In the operative findings of hepatoma, with a surgical margin of less than 10 mm, intrahepatic metastasis, tumor embolus in the second or more proximal branch of the portal vein, or lack of capsule formation related to the prognosis were the risk factors for recurrence. In 132 patients with these risk factors the survival rate of 19 patients with adjuvant arterial chemotherapy was significantly higher than for the 113 patients without it. Adjuvant hepatic arterial chemotherapy thus may be an effective therapy and should be studied prospectively in patients undergoing hepatectomy for high-risk hepatoma.