Occurrence of Phialophora radicicola var. graminicola and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici on roots of wheat in field crops

SUMMARY: Assessments of Phialophora radicicola var. graminicola (PRG) and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (GGT) were made by culturing and by direct microscopic examination of pieces of seminal roots from 16 winter wheat crops grown in different cropping sequences and with different phosphate manuring. PRG occurred on all wheat crops, but was abundant only on wheat after grass, where it seemed to delay the onset of damaging take‐all by 1 yr. Delayed occurrence of take‐all by phosphate fertiliser was not related to differences in populations of PRG. Wheat grown in ‘take‐all decline’ soils had only small amounts of PRG, indicating that the development and the decline of take‐all epidemics may be influenced by different biological control mechanisms; breaking sequences of wheat crops by 1 yr grass leys might harness the advantages of both mechanisms.