Infections of the respiratory tract associated with malaria, recognized for many years, offer a wide scope of interesting and controversial aspects. While foreign literature has contributed sporadic studies, American publications have been few. Meersseman1 in a critical study of pleuropulmonary manifestations of malaria presented a historical background for the subject. He stated that Grosset reported the first detailed study of the disease in 1783. Previously there were only occasional references. He alluded to the contributions of Broussois in 1822, Heschl in 1850, J. Frank in 1857 and such military surgeons as Jacquet and Frison. Hamelin in 1896 presented a thesis based on the observation of 3 cases of pneumonia which he considered to be due directly to the plasmodium of malaria. In a series of publications between 1892 and 1902 Laveran contested the view that pneumonia was due to the parasite per se and suggested instead that the lesion