Scattering of 314-Mev Polarized Protons by Deuterium

The polarization of deuterium for 314-Mev protons has been examined as a function of angle. A beam of 314-Mev protons about 60 percent polarized was scattered by a liquid deuterium target. Measurements were made of the asymmetry of scattering of fast protons, namely both elastically and inelastically scattered, as a function of angle. The polarization of protons by deuterons, inferred from the asymmetry, was found to be small at small angles, to be about 0.35 from 10° to 30° laboratory angle, to be zero at 45° and negative thereafter. The polarization of quasi-free proton-proton scattering measured with the two scattered protons in coincidence, was found to be zero at 41° and 49° laboratory angle within statistical error. The polarization of quasi-free proton-neutron scattering was computed from measurements with the scattered proton and neutron in coincidence and was found to be 0.56±0.12 at 29° laboratory angle. The polarization of elastic scattered protons was computed from measurements using absorbers chosen to discriminate between elastic and inelastic protons, giving 0.59±0.07 at 24°, 0.29±0.05 at 28°, 0.39±0.18 at 32°, and -0.05±0.16 at 35°±4° laboratory angle.

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