Overexpression of an Activated rasG Gene during Growth Blocks the Initiation of Dictyostelium Development

Transformants that expressed either the wild-type rasG gene, an activated rasG-G12T gene, or a dominant negative rasG-S17N gene, all under the control of the folate-repressible discoidin (dis1gamma) promoter, were isolated. All three transformants expressed high levels of Ras protein which were reduced by growth in the presence of folate. All three transformants grew slowly, and the reduction in growth rate correlated with the amount of RasG protein produced, suggesting that RasG is important in regulating cell growth. The pVEII-rasG transformant containing the wild-type rasG gene developed normally despite the presence of high levels of RasG throughout development. This result indicates that the down regulation of rasG that normally occurs during aggregation of wild-type strains is not essential for the differentiation process. Dictyostelium transformants expressing the dominant negative rasG-S17N gene also differentiated normally. Dictyostelium transformants that overexpressed the activated rasG-G12T gene did not aggregate. The defect occurred very early in development, since the expression of car1 and pde, genes that are normally induced soon after the initiation of development, was repressed. However, when the transformant cells were pulsed with cyclic AMP, expression of both genes returned to wild-type levels. The transformants exhibited chemotaxis to cyclic AMP, and development was synergized by mixing with wild-type cells. Furthermore, cells that were pulsed with cyclic AMP for 4 h before being induced to differentiate by plating on filters produced small, but otherwise normal, fruiting bodies. These results suggest that the rasG-G12T transformants are defective in cyclic AMP production and that RasG - GTP blocks development by interfering with the initial generation of cyclic AMP pulses.