Pentagastrin and Glucagon Stimulate Serum Somatostatin-Like Immunoreactivity in Man*

Passive immunization with somatostatin (SRIF) antiserum suggests that gastrin, glucagon, and calcitonin secretion may be under the tonic inhibitory control of SRIF. This action may be exerted either locally by contiguity of SRIF-like immunoreactivity (SRIF-LI)-containing D cells and G (gastrin) and A (glucagon) cells (paracrine) or by an endocrine effect. To determine whether a reciprocal relationship exists in man between these peptides and SRIF-LI, the effects of pentagastrin (0.5 /μg/kg BW), glucagon (1 mg), and calcium (15 mg/kg BW) on serum SRIF-LI were examined. The coexistence of SRIF-LI and calcitonin in normal thyroid parafollicular C cells and medullary carcinoma of the thyroid prompted a study of the effects of the known secretagogues of calcitonin, calcium (15 mg/kg BW), and pentagastrin (0.5 /xg/kg BW) on serum SRIF-LI. Sixteen normal subjects, two patients with metastatic medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, and one patient who had undergone thyroparathyroidectomy were evaluated. We demonstrated that whereas both pentagastrin and glucagon significantly elevated serum SRIF-LI, calcium infusion had no effect. Basal and stimulated SRIF-LI levels in the normal controls, patients with medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, and the patient with thyroparathyroidectomy were similar. These results suggest that SRIF-LI secretion is related to stimulation by peptides produced in closely juxtaposed cells, that SRIF-LI, unlike calcitonin, may not be a serum marker for medullary carcinoma of the thyroid in man, and that little, if any, serum SRIF-LI originates in the thyroid.