Anthocyanin-Rich Extract From Aronia meloncarpa E. Induces a Cell Cycle Block in Colon Cancer but Not Normal Colonic Cells

Anthocyanin-rich extracts, potent antioxidants and commercially available food coloring agents, have been reported to inhibit growth of various cancer cell lines. We investigated the effect of semipurified anthocyanin-rich extract from fruits of Aronia meloncarpa, on normal colon and colon cancer cell lines. A 24-h exposure to 50 µg monomeric anthocyanin/ml of Aronia extract resulted in 60% growth inhibition of human HT-29 colon cancer cells. The treated cells showed a blockage at G1/G0 and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. The cell cycle arrest coincided with an increased expression of the p21WAF1 and p27KIP1 genes and decreased expression of cyclin A and B genes. Prolonged exposure to the extract resulted in no further change in the cell number, indicating a cytostatic inhibition of cell growth. NCM460 normal colon cells demonstrated <10% growth inhibition at the highest concentration of 50 µg/ml extract. A 35% decrease in the cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression was observed within 24 h of exposure of HT-29 c...