Ultra-Low Resistance Base Ohmic Contact with Pt/Ti/Pt/Au for High-fmax AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

Ohmic contacts to 500-Å-thick p-Al0.1Ga0.9As layer formed with a Pt/Ti/Pt/Au metal system were investigated. An extremely low contact resistivity of 4.2×10-7 Ω ·cm2 was obtained. The contact resistance increased with the increment of the Pt thickness, because the thicker the intermetallic layer becomes the thinner the AlGaAs layer beneath it, which leads to a higher contact resistance. The optimum Pt thickness was around 50 Å. Moreover, this metal scheme was thermally stable at 350° C. A high f max of 160 GHz was obtained for AlGaAs/GaAs HBTs using Pt/Ti/Pt/Au base electrodes. A multiplexer (MUX) lC implemented with these high-f max HBTs operated properly up to 40 Gbps, the highest speed ever reported. This value was restricted by the measuring instrument capability.

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